Matches 1 to 50 of 44351
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | ||
1 | Ruth Blum | Abt 1901 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I106068 |
2 | Aab, August | 6 Oct 1889 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109135 |
3 | Aab, August Thomas | 8 Nov 1863 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109129 |
4 | Aab, George Joseph | 9 Jun 1871 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109171 |
5 | Aab, Henry Martin | 27 Sep 1876 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109172 |
6 | Aab, Leonard George | 17 Jul 1861 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I142944 |
7 | Aab, Sarah Johanna | 6 Feb 1866 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I131397 |
8 | Aab, Vera | 15 Feb 1923 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I119056 |
9 | Aab, William John | 2 May 1868 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I131398 |
10 | Abberger, Agnes | 12 Feb 1876 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38279 |
11 | Abberger, Bertha Maria | 25 Apr 1898 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38264 |
12 | Abberger, Charlotte | 21 Jul 1896 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38263 |
13 | Abberger, Florence | 1 Jul 1894 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38262 |
14 | Abberger, Frederick Gottfried | 7 Aug 1884 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38278 |
15 | Abberger, Geraldine | 6 Jul 1921 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38284 |
16 | Abberger, Harold | 25 Dec 1916 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38281 |
17 | Abberger, Joseph | 9 Aug 1866 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I65994 |
18 | Abberger, Joseph | 14 Dec 1873 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38259 |
19 | Abberger, Louis Simon | 25 Aug 1878 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38286 |
20 | Abberger, Maria | 17 Jul 1871 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38274 |
21 | Abberger, Maria Viola | 27 Mar 1919 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38283 |
22 | Abberger, Melvin Russel | I38282 | ||
23 | Abberger, Rita Jane | 30 Apr 1926 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38285 |
24 | Abberger, Theresa | 2 Sep 1869 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38270 |
25 | Abel, Anna Catherine | 18 Dec 1881 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I78907 |
26 | Abel, Anna Elizabeth | 20 Nov 1873 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72234 |
27 | Abel, Anna Mary | 24 Dec 1883 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I35120 |
28 | Abel, Audrey Mildred | 5 Mar 1926 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I32677 |
29 | Abel, F. Arthur | Abt 1900 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I101318 |
30 | Abel, Francis Adam | 23 Oct 1879 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72236 |
31 | Abel, Francis Michael | 21 Feb 1886 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I78908 |
32 | Abel, Frank | 21 Dec 1898 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I42369 |
33 | Abel, John | 29 Sep 1876 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72235 |
34 | Abel, John Baptiste | 28 Jul 1866 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72231 |
35 | Abel, John Bernard | 26 Jan 1890 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I78910 |
36 | Abel, Joseph | 7 Mar 1871 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72233 |
37 | Abel, Josephine | 17 Mar 1862 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72227 |
38 | Abel, Maria Anna | 28 Nov 1864 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72230 |
39 | Abel, Peter | 15 Jan 1869 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72232 |
40 | Abel, William G. | 7 Mar 1887 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I142852 |
41 | Abrams, Sophia | 2 Mar 1857 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I130605 |
42 | Acar, Dorothy Mae | Abt 1911 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I81381 |
43 | Acht, Anna | 17 Jan 1864 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I14380 |
44 | Ackerman, Anna Maria | 18 Jan 1868 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45235 |
45 | Ackerman, Anton | Jul 1904 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I67226 |
46 | Ackerman, Barbara | 23 Jan 1866 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45220 |
47 | Ackerman, Barbara Catherine | 31 May 1891 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I43014 |
48 | Ackerman, Bartholomew | 23 Oct 1857 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45230 |
49 | Ackerman, Clarence | 22 Oct 1899 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I61615 |
50 | Ackerman, Clarence Francis | 25 May 1906 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I67227 |
Matches 1 to 50 of 39293
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Christened | Person ID | ||
1 | Aab, August Thomas | 3 Dec 1863 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109129 |
2 | Aab, George Joseph | 22 Aug 1871 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109171 |
3 | Aab, Henry Martin | 17 Dec 1876 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109172 |
4 | Aab, Leonard George | 8 Aug 1861 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I142944 |
5 | Aab, Sarah Johanna | 15 Apr 1866 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I131397 |
6 | Aab, William John | 7 Jun 1868 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I131398 |
7 | Abberger, Agnes | 13 Feb 1876 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38279 |
8 | Abberger, Bertha Maria | 8 May 1898 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38264 |
9 | Abberger, Charlotte | 2 Aug 1896 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38263 |
10 | Abberger, Florence | 15 Jul 1894 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38262 |
11 | Abberger, Frederick Gottfried | 10 Aug 1884 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38278 |
12 | Abberger, Joseph | 12 Aug 1866 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I65994 |
13 | Abberger, Joseph | 21 Dec 1873 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38259 |
14 | Abberger, Louis Simon | 1 Sep 1878 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38286 |
15 | Abberger, Maria | 18 Jul 1871 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38274 |
16 | Abberger, Maria Viola | 10 May 1919 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38283 |
17 | Abberger, Rita Jane | 7 Aug 1926 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38285 |
18 | Abberger, Theresa | 3 Sep 1869 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38270 |
19 | Abel, Anna Catherine | 25 Dec 1881 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I78907 |
20 | Abel, Anna Elizabeth | 29 Nov 1873 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72234 |
21 | Abel, Anna Mary | 30 Dec 1883 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I35120 |
22 | Abel, Audrey Mildred | 18 Apr 1926 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I32677 |
23 | Abel, Francis Adam | 26 Oct 1879 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72236 |
24 | Abel, Francis Michael | 4 Mar 1886 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I78908 |
25 | Abel, Frank | 15 Jan 1899 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I42369 |
26 | Abel, John | 3 Oct 1876 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72235 |
27 | Abel, John Baptiste | 29 Jul 1866 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72231 |
28 | Abel, John Bernard | 2 Feb 1890 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I78910 |
29 | Abel, Joseph | 11 Mar 1871 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72233 |
30 | Abel, Josephine | 19 Mar 1862 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72227 |
31 | Abel, Maria Anna | 29 Nov 1864 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72230 |
32 | Abel, Peter | 17 Jan 1869 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72232 |
33 | Abel, William G. | 27 Mar 1887 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I142852 |
34 | Abels, Elizabeth | 15 Sep 1878 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I74453 |
35 | Abels, Katherine | 15 Feb 1876 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I74452 |
36 | Abrams, Sophia | 12 Apr 1857 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I130605 |
37 | Acht, Anna | 31 Jan 1864 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I14380 |
38 | Ackerman, Anna Maria | 27 Jan 1868 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45235 |
39 | Ackerman, Anton | 31 Jul 1904 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I67226 |
40 | Ackerman, Barbara | 28 Jan 1866 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45220 |
41 | Ackerman, Barbara Catherine | 7 Jun 1891 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I43014 |
42 | Ackerman, Bartholomew | 25 Oct 1857 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45230 |
43 | Ackerman, Clarence | 29 Oct 1899 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I61615 |
44 | Ackerman, Clarence Francis | 3 Jun 1906 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I67227 |
45 | Ackerman, Conrad | 19 Jun 1859 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45224 |
46 | Ackerman, Elmer William | 21 Dec 1902 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I67225 |
47 | Ackerman, Francis Albert Andrew | 12 Mar 1854 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I70533 |
48 | Ackerman, Frank Joseph | 16 Jun 1861 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45231 |
49 | Ackerman, Frank Joseph | 23 Jan 1886 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I31374 |
50 | Ackerman, Frederick | 28 Apr 1850 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I106198 |
Matches 1 to 50 of 18295
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Died | Person ID | ||
1 | Adela | 16 Sep 1936 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I46688 |
2 | Amelia | 21 Jan 1916 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I25863 |
3 | Ann | Apr 1898 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I147200 |
4 | Anna | 1 Feb 1912 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I135228 |
5 | Anna | 3 Feb 1914 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I146125 |
6 | Anna Catherine | 10 Jan 1870 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I139793 |
7 | Bertha | 28 Aug 1870 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I129092 |
8 | Caroline | 11 Aug 1925 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I114871 |
9 | Catherine | 29 Dec 1875 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I143024 |
10 | Catherine | 25 Aug 1899 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I20679 |
11 | Catherine | 16 Feb 1911 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I133112 |
12 | Christine | 11 Nov 1911 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I142107 |
13 | Clara Turner | 4 Jan 1919 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I126937 |
14 | Elizabeth | 21 Oct 1897 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I144527 |
15 | Elizabeth | 8 Oct 1906 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I127208 |
16 | Fannie | Sep 1912 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I131150 |
17 | Francisca | 10 Dec 1885 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I25591 |
18 | Helen | 2 Feb 1903 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I52779 |
19 | Howard Weldon Smith | 16 Feb 2002 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I88648 |
20 | Johanna | 25 Mar 1887 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I52985 |
21 | Louisa | 24 Sep 1937 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I65928 |
22 | Louisa | 22 Mar 2017 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I89858 |
23 | Magdalena | 9 Jan 1863 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I144963 |
24 | Magdalena | Aug 1896 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I145956 |
25 | Marie | 1911 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I99861 |
26 | Mary | 22 Feb 1901 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I100666 |
27 | Matilda | 3 Jan 1904 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I145546 |
28 | Minnie | 2 Jul 1873 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I145538 |
29 | Minnie | 28 Jul 1963 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I126415 |
30 | Pauline | 3 Jul 1955 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I115249 |
31 | Rosa Kuehnle | 24 Feb 1904 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I151720 |
32 | Ruby | 2 Jan 2006 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I138651 |
33 | Ruth Helfrich | 15 Jun 1959 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I76506 |
34 | Sophia | 3 Sep 1896 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I36932 |
35 | Wilhelmina | 13 Dec 1933 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I56154 |
36 | (Agness) Bergeron, Josephine | Aug 1902 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I74705 |
37 | Aab, August | 28 Dec 1901 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109131 |
38 | Aab, August | 28 May 1972 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109135 |
39 | Aab, Gertrude | 1 Mar 1961 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109168 |
40 | Aab, Henry Martin | 14 Jun 1941 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109172 |
41 | Aab, William | 26 Oct 1989 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I109134 |
42 | Aab, William John | 12 Jul 1881 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I131398 |
43 | Abberger, Bertha Maria | Aug 1975 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38264 |
44 | Abberger, Frederick Gottfried | 2 Jun 1938 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38278 |
45 | Abberger, Joseph | 29 Sep 1899 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38260 |
46 | Abberger, Maria | 8 Jan 1951 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38274 |
47 | Abberger, Rita Jane | 6 Jan 2010 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38285 |
48 | Abberger, Theresa | 18 Aug 1953 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I38270 |
49 | Abel, John Adam | 23 Jan 1898 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I72228 |
50 | Abel, William G. | 24 Jul 1953 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I142852 |
Matches 1 to 50 of 28956
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Buried | Person ID | ||
1 | Adela | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I46688 | |
2 | Albertina | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I45980 | |
3 | Alice | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I115295 | |
4 | Alice | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I142328 | |
5 | Amelia | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I25863 | |
6 | Ann | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I147200 | |
7 | Anna | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I114868 | |
8 | Anna | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I135228 | |
9 | Anna | 5 Feb 1914 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I146125 |
10 | Anna Catherine | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I139793 | |
11 | Bertha | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I129092 | |
12 | Borghild | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I115243 | |
13 | Caroline | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I114871 | |
14 | Catharine | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I121755 | |
15 | Catherine | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I133112 | |
16 | Catherine | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I143024 | |
17 | Elisabeth | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I8566 | |
18 | Elizabeth | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I18931 | |
19 | Elizabeth | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I127208 | |
20 | Elizabeth | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I144527 | |
21 | Ethel | 11 May 1988 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I145841 |
22 | Fannie | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I150585 | |
23 | Felicitas Cyr | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I98525 | |
24 | Frances | 1 May 2009 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I22040 |
25 | Francisca | 14 Dec 1885 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I25591 |
26 | Frederike | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I137980 | |
27 | Harriet | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I146957 | |
28 | Helen | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I52779 | |
29 | Johanna | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I52985 | |
30 | Josephine | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I33625 | |
31 | Louisa | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I65928 | |
32 | Magdalena | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I145956 | |
33 | Magdalena | 11 Jan 1863 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I144963 |
34 | Margaret | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I143461 | |
35 | Marie | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I99861 | |
36 | Mary | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I36799 | |
37 | Mary | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I133213 | |
38 | Mary | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I134872 | |
39 | Mathilda | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I66309 | |
40 | Matilda | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I145546 | |
41 | Michalina | 17 Jun 1942 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I131798 |
42 | Minnie | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I126415 | |
43 | Minnie | 4 Jul 1873 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I145538 |
44 | Pauline | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I115249 | |
45 | Rosa Kuehnle | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I151720 | |
46 | Sophia | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I36932 | |
47 | Susanna | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I127736 | |
48 | Theresa | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I54634 | |
49 | Wilhelmina | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I56154 | |
50 | William David | Rochester, Monroe, New York | I82966 |
Matches 1 to 50 of 27821
Family | Married | Family ID | ||
1 | / Haefler | 18 Dec 1879 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F25714 |
2 | / Helfer | 9 Jun 1896 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F25352 |
3 | / Reinhardt | 15 Oct 1874 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F17895 |
4 | / Rowbotton | 15 May 1894 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F41949 |
5 | / Steigerwald | 8 Oct 1895 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F23412 |
6 | / DeRoller | Jun 1938 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F31670 |
7 | / Erbland | 17 Jul 1937 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F11382 |
8 | / Kane | 4 May 1920 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F42625 |
9 | / Scheid | 1940 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F15026 |
10 | / Stark | 15 Sep 1920 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F30744 |
11 | Aab / Redfern | 1 Jun 1887 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F39544 |
12 | Aab / Simon | 3 Apr 1917 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F39560 |
13 | Aab / Wilkins | 25 Jun 1913 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F39561 |
14 | Abberger / Fox | 13 Apr 1893 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F11489 |
15 | Abberger / Weinman | 20 Dec 1916 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F11497 |
16 | Abberger / Whitney | 30 Oct 1909 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F13185 |
17 | Abbott / Levis | 9 Jul 1914 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F54511 |
18 | Abel / Buckley | 14 Jun 1893 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F50821 |
19 | Abel / Dreroo | 30 Aug 1911 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F17269 |
20 | Abel / Kasischke | 15 Sep 1921 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F52777 |
21 | Abel / Maringer | 18 Oct 1911 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F50823 |
22 | Abel / Schoeneman | 18 Sep 1923 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F12938 |
23 | Abel / Vollmer | 11 Apr 1861 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F24788 |
24 | Abel / Weber | 1 Oct 1928 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F36451 |
25 | Abels / Fischer | 24 Oct 1912 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F25701 |
26 | Abert / Berg | 25 Nov 1927 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F49083 |
27 | Abert / Merkel | 14 Sep 1891 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F6399 |
28 | Abraham / Boulle | 24 Sep 1949 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F51560 |
29 | Abrams / Hill | 28 Dec 1928 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F39358 |
30 | Abrams / Slyck | 19 Jun 1928 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F9175 |
31 | Achenbach / Little | 4 Nov 1922 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F57650 |
32 | Ackerman / Begy | 18 May 1850 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F52808 |
33 | Ackerman / Fuhs | 21 Jun 1853 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F8088 |
34 | Ackerman / Guentner | 21 Jun 1924 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F21214 |
35 | Ackerman / Hargarther | 23 Nov 1891 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F13885 |
36 | Ackerman / Hetzler | 29 May 1889 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F3300 |
37 | Ackerman / Huss | 28 Dec 1917 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F42788 |
38 | Ackerman / Kessler Diehl | 29 Jan 1857 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F14349 |
39 | Ackerman / Koerner | 20 Nov 1912 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F9203 |
40 | Ackerman / Koeth | 2 Jun 1917 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F21217 |
41 | Ackerman / Lang | 20 Nov 1881 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F14352 |
42 | Ackerman / Lorson | 6 Jun 1897 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F8087 |
43 | Ackerman / Reinwald | 1 May 1849 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F38436 |
44 | Ackermann / Brenner | 23 Aug 1922 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F32643 |
45 | Ackerson / De Prez | 11 Aug 1920 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F26329 |
46 | Ackey / Martin | 6 Sep 1888 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F22388 |
47 | Ackroyd / Anderson | 1 May 1907 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F54338 |
48 | Ackroyd / Geier | 29 Oct 1925 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F28067 |
49 | Ackroyd / Maltzahn | 26 Dec 1936 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F54337 |
50 | Ackroyd / Merkel | 20 Aug 1919 | Rochester, Monroe, New York | F2494 |
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