Updated:7 February 2025

Dill Family

Eusebius Merkel

There are 2 Dill Brothers who came to Rochester, NY from Koenigheim, Baden, Germany. There names are Franz and Carl Dill. The immigration information I have indicates Carl arrived in 1852. His brother Franz was married in Rochester in 1852 so it's very possible Carl and Franz came to Rochester together.


Bill Sauers of Rochester has done a lot of research on the family of Franz Dill and Anna Maria Mueller. He has also done work on other  families connected to his Sauers family. Among the other surnames he has researched are the : Renaud, Heisel, Ruf families in Rochester, NY. To find out more about these families, contact Bill Sauers at wsauers@mcls.rochester.lib.ny.us

You can see photos of many of these people at Bill's web site at http://www.travelinlibrarian.info/family/

Carl Dill  (1827-1981)
I descended from Carl Dill . He married Magdalena Mueller in 1856 in Rochester, NY and they had 8 children. Their 4th child was Elizabeth Dill. She married William Merkel (my great great Maternal grandfather).


Here is a link to Carl Dill.



Franz Dill  (1824-1876) 
Franz married Anna Maria Mueller in 1852 in Rochester, NY and they had 12 children

Here is a link to Franz Dill.



I also found several other people from Koenigheim, Baden, German who came to Rochester, NY:


Franz Joseph Bartholme
born: 4 Sept. 1791 Koenigheim, Baden, German
died: unknown
Immigrated to Rochester, NY in 1853 with his children: Rosina, Franz Alois,  Franciscus Anton and Magdalena.
His wife Regina Hafner died in Königheim  in 1849.

Alois and Anton also married in Rochester, NY


George Vitus Bartholme
born: 16 June. 1801 Koenigheim, Baden, German
died: unknown
Immigrated to Rochester, NY in 1834 with his wife Maria Anna Bauer and 2 children: Theresa and Alois. George and Anna Maria had at least 3 other children after arriving in Rochester, NY.

It looks like George married again to Maria Eva Faulhaber in Rochester in 1849. Maria Eva was also from Königheim. George and Maria Eva had two more children in Rochester.


Franz Joseph Thoma
born: 29 Sept. 1827 Koenigheim, Baden, German

Franz Joseph and his wife Maria Anna Faulhaber were married 28 Nov. 1855 in Königheim, Baden, Germany. They arrived in Rochester prior to 1857 when there daughter, Anna Maria was born in Rochester, NY on the January 21, 1857. They had at least 1 other child by the name of Henry born in 1858.

It's possible that Michael Joseph Thoma (brother of Franz Joseph) also came to Rochester.

For very interesting information on the Spanel families, contact Amy

Interests: surnames SPANEL, DILL, RIBSTEIN, RIPPIN,
Families: American, roots German, French, Swiss, Russian.
Faiths: Protestant, Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Hebrew. 

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